This WordPress Community


*Written in response to Internet take me away, let virtual reality be my lover! from the blog TheWhyAboutThis.

Dear Penny,

Yes, I agree. It is truly a blessing to have such an avenue to mingle and make friends, to be entertained and to entertain, to appreciate and be appreciated.

And I so love the culture being nurtured here — there’s that culture of appreciation, caring for one another, and most of all that culture of respect.

In this community, I don’t feel discriminated nor do I feel that there is some kind of a status or class. No one is above or below anyone as everyone is within reach.

I exchange ideas with lawyers, doctors, scientists, educators, businessmen, mothers, fathers, students, builders, artists, musicians, and that lists goes on. What’s interesting is that it doesn’t matter that we all wear different hats. These hats are just but added features or shall we say characteristics we give to a character to spice up the story.

We are all lost in the charisma and hypnotic beauty of this live drama that we are all participating in. But what’s more beautiful about this is that unlike fiction, this is not a make believe story. This is a story that is ongoing and happening in actuality. And we are not just sitting to be entertained for we are the very characters actively involved in this huge story we are all ‘complexly’ writing.

This is really happening, Penny. We’re all affecting one another, exchanging views and opinions, and learning for the better. On one page, someone wrote about pain and how it transforms people. On another, someone wrote about metaphorical punches that surprise us and knock us down. Uplifting posts here and there, reminders, lists, poems and stories that make us smile, angry, sad, laugh, and cry.

Indeed, this world is beautiful. I’m so glad I’m part of this!

*Also written for Daily Prompt: Simply the Best

Sharing My Thoughts on Dealing with Kids

* Written in response to “Easy? No. Kids today do not have it easy.” in The Matt Walsh Blog.

Hi. Hope you don’t mind me sharing my thoughts.

I agree. I think it’s not fair to say that the kids of today are pampered and ‘having it easy.’ It’s a much more complicated world we are having today, and clearly we have forgotten about the more important things in life.

I’m no parent like you Matt, but I teach kids so I’ll respond as a teacher. As regards protecting kids, I think we can only do as much. We don’t have full control over their lives. What we can do however is teach them to understand what’s really happening so they know the pros and the cons, and hopefully know where to stand. That way our kids are more grounded and firm as you are — I bet you have parents, relatives, or teachers who taught you well on being mindful and conscious about what’s going on in the world, and of course, choosing what is moral and just. But then again, at end of the day, it was you who decided to be who you are.

I support you on the importance of FAMILY and FAITH. I remember having dinner with my family every night when I was growing up. We would begin with a prayer thanking God for another day. Then we would eat and talk about our day, what we thought went well and what didn’t. We talked about issues here and there, and it was a good exercise because I didn’t feel like I was being dictated to do only this and not that. When they turned down some of my requests, they made sure I perfectly understood why. I was also given a chance to speak-out and tell them my views and insights while I also listen to theirs.I know they were trying to embrace me with their love, but it wasn’t too tight to get me suffocated.

Some important seeds they planted in me, however, were essential:

*The importance of LISTENING and being open to new ideas
*The importance of RESPECT and OBEDIENCE
* and the importance of PATIENCE, EMPATHY (putting yourself in their shoes), and UNDERSTANDING

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