The Morning

The morning paints a smile on my face
As he tickles me with his amusing grace
I stop to see and think and feel
To check if he is even real

Lovely little flowers dancing, aglee
As Mr Gentle Breeze plays with Bumble Bee
Grass and trees — lush and green
Every blade of leaf made picturesque
By Ms Morning Dew’s gentle caress

The birds they tweet as beautifully as they could
As if to greet the leader of the ‘hood’
Lo and behold I see him coming
How strong and mighty yet mesmerizing

Indeed, the morning painted a smile on my face
As he tickled me with his amusing grace
I stayed to watch him blossom
Into a friendship one can never fathom

But you see some good things never last
Mr Morning had to go past
I can only hope to see him tomorrow
As he tickles me again to ease my sorrow

Teacher’s Whisky

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So I was at my friend’s farewell party last night, and then this caught my attention. What? An alcoholic drink for teachers? How funny is that?

Then I learned from Wikipedia this morning that its name actually came from the family name of its maker; his name is William Teacher.

I wonder if there’s a whisky that’s really intended for teachers. hehe. :-p


Busy Mode

Busy Mode

I’m busy marking papers this week, so here’s something to grapple for now. Haha. This really made me laugh. 🙂 Thanks to!


The love letter mirror

A must read!

Soul Embraces

Love-LettersAll the world is a mirror for me. Whatever I see and react to mirrors something in my internal universe.

When I respond positively to something, I am seeing something that stimulates my internal universe in a positive way.

When I respond negatively to something, I am seeing something that does not fit into how I think the universe should be.

Despite the fact that I can make split-second decisions on what I like or dislike, it’s actually an amazingly complex procedure to describe.

For example, what do you think of Miley Cyrus? Rush Limbaugh? Barack Obama? Sarah Palin? No matter where you go in your thoughts with any of these people, you’re making all your judgments based on your internal universe and the data you have fed into it. Unless you know these people personally and intimately, you are getting all your data through filtered, mostly opinionated sources. You…

View original post 1,104 more words

You Are Mine


To celebrate my 20th ‘like’ here in WordPress, allow me to share again another piece I’ve written before.

At two o’ clock early morning,
I was awakened by a pent up emotion…
feeling heavy deep inside.

Unable to determine where it was coming from,
I started to worry.

I was like a wounded eagle,
loosing power,

Then, I called on Him.
“Lord, help me. Speak to me.”

I lay down,
shuffled my inspirational song list,
and listened.

“Maging Akin Muli” (Be Mine Again),
was the song that first came in…
I decided to play it again and again…
Then suddenly, it all dawned on me,
all my pains,
my worries,
my sacrifices,
and how God has always been there
to save me.

I remembered all the people He sent,
and how they have become instrumental
in taking me to where I am now.

He was just at my side all this time,
full of love,
full of care.

I cried…
and just cried…
and allowed Him to work in me,
speak to me,
heal me.

Then I thanked Him.
Praised Him.

And when I opened my eyes,
the sun slowly came out,
stretching its arms mightily,
full of power,

How wonderful! I told myself.

I got up,
prepared myself for school,
wore a smile,
felt better.
It was a brand new day for me.


What is blogging? Playing nice …

I found this really helpful!

Simple Pleasures #2

cropped-575780_4919121860689_1178584931_n.jpgTo celebrate my 10th like here in WordPress, allow me to share this poem I wrote before. Hope you’ll find it refreshing.

Waking up early
Washing my face
Brushing my teeth
Going out for a walk

Feeling the fresh air
Enjoying the sight of the ocean
Seeing landscapes — lush and green
Smiling and waving at people
While listening to inspiring songs
Listening to God

Heart throbbing
Defying gravity
Gasping for air

Walking still
Praying still
Almost at the end
Ahhhh…a great sigh
How beautiful it is
To see the SUN dancing

A Warm Afternoon

A Warm Afternoon

Decided to visit one gorgeous sea track here in Niue — Limu. Haha… while waiting for the lovely sunset, I took out the freshly written short stories of my students — read them and marked them. Sweet! 🙂


Come Home to Me

DSC00581 (800x600)DSC00581 (800x600)This is just one of the many abandoned houses here in Niue. Whenever I see one of them, I remember my fellow country men at home taking shelter in very dangerous places — risking it all just to live.


Which One Are You?

The other day, I decided to sit down in one of the benches outside my classroom to take a little break from work and just observe what was going on outside. I spotted two students of mine already seated in one of the benches. I’ve known these students as very vocal about what they think; they are witty and really good in class. So I thought spending some time with them would be a good idea.

They saw me approaching them. I smiled and they smiled back. I was just observing how they were reacting… I can already see all the questions (What is he doing? Why is he approaching us? Did we do something?) popping out of their heads as they look at me intently waiting for me to say a word.


“Hello, Sir!” Both of them replied in chorus.

“How are things?”

One of them said, “Oh, we’re fine. Just reviewing for our Math test later.”

“I see.” I then sat with them. “I’m just here to relax a little bit. Hope you don’t mind having me around.”

“Oh no, not at all Sir.” Said the other one.

“Are you alright, Sir? You look tired.” (My eyes glared a little bit. She was up to something, and I could feel it.)

“I’m okay. I’ve just been really busy lately.”

“What about your assistant teacher, Sir?” (I told you she was up to something.)

“Oh, what about him?” I asked.

“Oh, nothing.” She smiled.

The other one (who was more confrontational) decided to speak up. “Oh, no one likes him. He acts as though he’s the Principal.”

“But what made you say that?”

She didn’t answer my question. Instead, she said, “Why do you allow him to be like that, Sir? You’re his boss. Show him that you’re the boss.”

The bell rang… so I smiled.

And they smiled back.


I know it was a good teaching moment, but had I only have the time, I would have shared my views to them. One of these days, I’ll catch up with them and continue what we’ve started. You see, this isn’t something I could explain to them in one or two sentences. They are not your “Yes Sir” or “Okay Sir” type of students.

As regards how I run my department, this is my guiding light. Now, you choose. Which one are you? 😉


*Got this photo from a friend’s post in Facebook before. Whoever created this, thank you.

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